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Hikers in Mountainous Landscape


If you are a follower of Jesus, you are the Church and a part of His Body, wherever you are.


Love God, Love People, Make Disciples.  This is our driving purpose, both in our personal lives and as a church. We believe that no matter what you are going through or what questions you might have, Jesus has the answers your soul longs for.




We believe there is one true God eternally existing in three Persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - each of whom possess equally all the attributes of Deity.  God created the world, and all that is in it, out of nothing and by His powerful Word through which He continues to sustain His creation. By His providence, He operates throughout history to fulfill His redemptive purposes.

The Bible

We believe the Bible, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is God's infallible Word written by authors who were uniquely and fully inspired by God Himself. The Bible is inerrant in the original manuscripts and reflects the backgrounds, styles, and vocabularies of the human authors.   It is the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith, conduct, and doctrine. There are no other similarly inspired writings.

Ordinances of the Church

We believe the ordinances of the church are baptism by immersion and communion. Baptism is a public affirmation of the believer's new life in Christ, symbolizing the death and resurrection of Christ as well as the believer’s death to the old life of slavery to sin and rising to a new life of slavery to righteousness and freedom in Christ. We practice baptism by immersion — the dipping of a person completely under the water in accordance with the Scriptures. Communion is a celebration through which Christians, those who have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior, remember the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for their salvation. All Christians should enthusiastically embrace and participate in these ordinances, according to the Lord's command.

Human Destiny and Future Events

We believe God's desire is that all people repent and enter a loving relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. The salvation of people is wholly a work of God's free grace and is not the result in any way of human work, goodness, or religious ceremony (such as baptism). When an individual personally comes to repentance and faith in Christ alone for his salvation, God imputes Christ's righteousness to him, he is justified in His sight, and the Christian then bears fruit in accordance with salvation.   Such a person is a Christian and cannot lose his salvation once it has been received.

Jesus Christ

We believe Jesus Christ is God, Co-Creator with God the Father, the Son of God, who became flesh through His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and birth through the Virgin Mary.  He was both fully God and fully man.  He lived a life of perfect obedience to the Father and voluntarily sacrificed Himself for the sins of all people by dying on the cross, as their substitute. In doing this, He satisfied God's justice and provided salvation for all who believe in and receive Him solely as their Lord and Savior. After three days in the grave, He arose from the dead in the same body and forty days later ascended to heaven where He is now seated at the right hand of God and continually intercedes for His people. One day He will return to earth, personally and visibly, to consummate history and the eternal plan of God.


We believe God's desire is that all people repent and enter a loving relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. The salvation of people is wholly a work of God's free grace and is not the result in any way of human work, goodness, or religious ceremony (such as baptism). When an individual personally comes to repentance and faith in Christ alone for his salvation, God imputes Christ's righteousness to him, he is justified in His sight, and the Christian then bears fruit in accordance with salvation.   Such a person is a Christian and cannot lose his salvation once it has been received.


We believe God created man and woman in His own image to be in relationship with Him, and to be stewards over His creation. They sinned by disobeying God, were judged and punished by physical and spiritual death, and alienated from their Creator. As a result, all mankind is under Divine condemnation and the nature of all people is corrupted. Every person is in need of regeneration and renewal. No one is worthy to approach God or be reconciled to Him on their own merit. Only through the blood of Jesus Christ can men and women be reconciled to God.


We believe angels are spiritual beings created by God who inhabit the unseen spirit-world. They are ministering spirits sent by God to serve Christians, carry out God's plans as He directs them and bring glory to God. We believe in the reality of Satan, an angel who rebelled and chose to be an enemy of God and mankind. Other angels have similarly sinned and directly rebelled against God. These fallen angels are known as Satan's demons.   Although powerful in this age, Satan and his demons have been conquered through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Christ and are doomed to eternal punishment in Hell.

The Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is actively working in the world to reveal and glorify Christ as He applies the saving work of Christ to people through: Enlightening the minds of sinners to the Truth; Awakening in them a recognition of their need for a Savior; and drawing them to Christ. At the moment of conversion, the Holy Spirit indwells the believer, and the person is baptized into the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit guides the believer into a life of holiness and obedience. He is a source of encouragement, strength, wisdom, and conviction. He helps believers understand and apply the Bible. He imparts unique gifts to each believer to be used to glorify God and edify the church as they build up other believers.   He transforms believers into the image of Christ such that they bear fruit to the glory of God and the increase of His Kingdom.

The Church

The Church.   We believe there is one true Church comprised of all those who acknowledge and serve Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. The Church is under the leadership of Christ. A “local church” (such as Purpose Church) is a community of Christians who gather together regularly for prayer, worship, edification through the Word of God, fellowship with encouragement and support for each other, and participation in the ordinances. Each local church is a part of The Church, the extension of God's kingdom on the earth, and as such, is responsible to faithfully fulfill His kingdom purposes in the world. Under the protective care of Elders and other leaders, a church is to work together in love and unity, intent on the ultimate purpose of honoring and glorifying God.


(Taken from the North American Baptist Conference's “A Christian Affirmation of Marriage”) “We believe: That God's intention for marriage is established throughout the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments; That God ordained marriage as a voluntary union for life of one man and one woman; That sexual intimacy is legitimate only within the bounds of marriage; That marriage is more than a contract between two persons: It is a covenant before God; That in Christian marriages, the church acts as an agent of God's blessing, as a primary witness and as a supportive community; That a healthy marriage is the best foundation for families and the raising of children.”


Each weekend, we want you to walk in and feel at home as our guest, be inspired and connected through worship, and challenged by biblical messages that encourage spiritual growth as they apply to your everyday life. 

Sunrise over Mountains

Sunday School classes, preschool, elementary, youth and adult starts at 9 am on Sunday mornings.  Nursery is available.  Our worship service starts at 10:30 am.  We start every service with engaging worship. We believe that worshiping God brings Him glory, which is what we were created for!  We seek to honor Him, finding satisfaction in Him as we open our hearts to whatever He wants to do in and through us.


As a part of our worship, we also grow spiritually through preaching and teaching that comes straight from God’s Word, the Bible.  During the service, we also worship as we pray and give.  

During the service, nursery is available for infants and toddlers up to the age of 4. Children's church is available during service for PreK-1st, 2nd-3rd, and 4th-5th grade. Children of all ages are welcome to remain with their parents during the service.  Children who listen intently and share a thought or drawing about the service or sermon are rewarded at the end of the service with a fun treat by one of our volunteers. Kids enjoy our time of worship together!



Pastor Brian and Kimberly Thompson

Lead Pastor


Pastor Brian is the lead pastor of Purpose Church located in Firestone, CO. He holds a BA in Biblical Studies. He has worked in previous churches as a Director of Music, Director of Adult Ministries, and Pastor of Congregational Life.


Pastor Brian loves to hunt, fish, camp, dive, and spearfish or anything that has to do with the outdoors. Pastor Brian has been married to Kimberly since 1995, and they have 11 children.



Robert McDaniel

Elder & Chairman

Robert has been married to wife Aleta since 1980.  He has two daughters and several grandchildren!  Robert is a third generation Colorado native.  For nearly 30 years, he has been an executive and senior executive for large construction firms and now owns and operates an electrical construction company.  He loves to hunt, fish, boat, golf, and just about anything outdoors.  


Greg Coleman

Elder, Diaconate & Ushers


Greg is Head Deacon and an Elder of Purpose Church located in Firestone, CO. He earned a B.S. in Computer Science at the University of Wyoming and works as a software engineer. Greg has been married to Shelley since 1982 and they have two daughters. 

Matt McBurney



Matt has served as an Elder at Purpose Church since the summer of 2009, and has attended the church since 2004.  He serves in a variety of ministries at Purpose Church, currently leading the Worship and A/V ministries, facilitating Men's Bible studies on both Sunday and Tuesday mornings, and hosting a Life Group in his home.  For his "day job" Matt works as an Application Engineer in the semiconductor industry and utilizes some of his analytical skills on the Purpose Finance Committee.  Contrary to some typical stereotypes about engineers, Matt strives to be personable and to bring joy to those that he relates with.  He inherited a penchant for puns from his father, and believes that groans are just as good as laughs when it comes to his humor!   


Matt and his wife Jessica have been married since 2005 and have four children. 

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Larry Pearson

Elder & Prayer Ministry


Larry retired from business many years ago and has thoroughly enjoyed retirement. He and his wife Denise have lived in Firestone, Colorado since 2014. They have four children, 14 grandchildren, and a growing number of great grandchildren. Over the years he has served as Elder, Sunday School teacher, Bible Study facilatator. His goal is to lovingly represent the Lord JESUS CHRIST to win souls to the Lord.

Conni Phillips

Women’s Ministry

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Amy Lamson

Children's Ministry Director

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Stephanie Guzman

Church Office & Web


Audra Seiler

Purpose Garden

 Jessica McBurney

Missionary Care Team



 Shannon Flynn

Care Calendar & Meal Train



Jennie Bingham

Missionary Care Team


Kleven Bingham

Livestream A/V & Tech




Doug Clark

Podcast & Audio


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 George DelGrosso

Men's Ministry


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Ministry Contact

©2022 Purpose Church. All Rights Reserved  |  9993 County Road 11  Firestone, CO  80504  |  (303) 651-1640  |

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